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Social Selling

B2B Social Selling: A Perfect Guide to Improve Sales Pipeline

Staring at the numbers, you can't help but feel the sting of stagnant sales figures. Traditional tactics that once seemed like a force of habit are now mechanical and fruitless.

The cold calls, the mass emails, and the linear pitch you've perfected over the years all seem to vanish into the digital void. That's when it hits you — there has to be a better way, especially when everyone is interlinked, not by tradeshow handshakes but by digital threads.

You're familiar with the concept of selling, but what about social selling in the B2B sphere? In an age where your potential clients spend hours on social media for professional purposes, can you afford to ignore the vitality of those platforms?

With every professional armed with a smartphone and making business decisions between their casual scrolls, social selling is not just an option; it's imperative. That's why, in this guide, we'll walk you through the basics of social selling. Let's get started.

What Is B2B Social Selling?

B2B social selling uses social media platforms to identify, connect with, understand, and nurture sales prospects in the business-to-business environment. Rather than pushing for a sale outright, it's about building genuine relationships and providing value.

Sales professionals can engage prospects in meaningful conversations by sharing pertinent content, answering questions, commenting on posts, and employing direct messages. These interactions can eventually convert online relationships into significant business opportunities, enhancing the sales pipeline.

Ultimately, B2B social selling bridges the gap between sellers and buyers in the digital space, humanizing the sales process.

Why Social Selling is Important to Build Your B2B Sales Pipeline

In today's interconnected digital world, potential customers often have access to information long before a sales professional approaches them. Social selling helps you cut through the noise by providing a platform where you can offer value and expertise directly to prospects. It nurtures leads through the sales funnel by creating purposeful connections and ongoing engagement rather than hard-sell tactics.

Social selling creates more touchpoints to interact with potential customers, draw attention to your solutions, address their queries, and build trust. Through these authentic and unpretentious engagements, you can keep your brand at the forefront of prospects' minds when they're ready to purchase, thereby adding to your sales pipeline. This proactive social selling technique can transform the traditional pipeline into a more dynamic, responsive, and effective sales strategy.

Benefits of Social Selling for B2B Companies

B2B companies reap numerous benefits from social selling. They are as follows:

  1. Create Thought Leadership: By regularly posting relevant, insightful content, brands can position themselves as thought leaders in their industry. This credibility helps to attract more leads.
  2. Garner Rich Insights: Social selling offers an unprecedented window into your prospects' world, enabling a real-time understanding of their needs, challenges, and business developments.
  3. Boost Sales Productivity: By focusing on pre-qualified leads who have interacted with your content or engaged with you on social platforms, sales professionals can prioritize efforts leading to better productivity and outcomes.
  4. Strengthen Customer Relationships: Social selling continuously nurtures customer relationships, fostering trust and loyalty that encourages repeat business and referrals.
  5. Personalize Interactions: Social selling lets salespeople tailor their outreach and communication based on what they learn about prospects online, resulting in more effective and personalized interactions.
  6. Gain a Competitive Edge: By adopting social selling, businesses can stand out among competitors still relying on traditional sales tactics, offering a more modern and audience-friendly approach.

Social selling allows B2B companies to stay relevant, build stronger connections, enhance sales performance, and align their sales processes to customer expectations in the digital age.

6 Steps to Building a Strong B2B Social Selling Strategy

Building a robust B2B social selling strategy can pay dividends in the modern business environment. Let's delve deeper into the six steps for establishing a successful social selling presence.

Step 1: Select the Right Platforms

Your first step is to determine where your prospects spend their time. For B2B, this is often LinkedIn, but platforms like Twitter, industry forums, or even Facebook can hold value depending on your industry. Evaluate the forums based on your target audience, the type of content these platforms favor, and their potential for networking.

Step 2: Optimize Your Profile

Your social media profile is your digital business card. Make sure it's professional and aligns with your business goals. Include a clear profile picture, a compelling bio, and a detailed overview of your experiences highlighting your expertise. Think from the perspective of your ideal client. What qualifications, accomplishments, or details would instill trust and interest?

Step 3: Create a Content Strategy

Content is what will get you noticed. Create a strategy that aligns with your buyer's journey. Develop informative blog posts, insightful infographics, or attention-grabbing videos that address your prospects' pain points. Have a content calendar in place, and ensure that your content informs and encourages interaction. 

If you're struggling with topics, you can use the free AI tools from Highperformr to create a content calendar based on your goals.

Step 4: Engage Your Audience With Relevant Content

Don't just broadcast your content; engage with it. You should comment on responses, start discussions, and participate actively. This doesn't mean only interacting with your content but also joining broader conversations within your industry, contributing valuable insights and increasing your visibility. 

Step 5: Utilize Social Listening Insights

Use social listening tools to keep a pulse on the industry trends, what your prospects are talking about, and their pressing needs. This data allows you to customize your messaging and content more effectively and join conversations where you can offer the most value.

Step 6: Demonstrate Value and Build Trust

Finally, consistently provide value through your content and engagements without hard selling. Building trust takes time. You must demonstrate your industry knowledge and willingness to help without expecting an immediate return. Over time, this will position you as a trusted advisor rather than just another salesperson.

Meticulously executing these steps will help you develop a B2B social selling strategy that boosts your pipeline and establishes long-lasting, profitable relationships with your customers.

3 Ways to Measure B2B Social Selling Effectiveness

Measuring the effectiveness of your B2B social selling efforts is crucial to understanding the return on your investment and determining areas for improvement. To do this effectively, you can focus on the following three critical areas:

1. Lead Generation Metrics

The primary goal of social selling is to generate new leads that can turn into customers. To measure this, you can track the following metrics

  • Number of Leads: This means the total count of potential clients who have shown interest due to your social selling activities.
  • Lead Conversion Rates: These denote the percentage of leads generated from social selling efforts that convert into opportunities or sales.
  • Source Attribution: Identify which social platforms or specific content pieces generate the most leads.

2. Engagement Analytics

Engagement metrics provide insights into how your audience interacts with your content and whether your social selling efforts resonate with your target market.

  • Likes, Shares, Comments, and Impressions: These fundamental engagement metrics give an initial glimpse into the reach and impact of your content. Highperformr allows for a more nuanced analysis, revealing the volume and the quality of engagement and how it relates to potential leads.
  • Content Engagement Rate: This metric goes beyond surface-level interactions to measure how deeply your content engages your audience, factoring in time spent, comments, shares, and more. Highperformr can offer detailed insights and guide content creation and strategy.
  • Lead Engagement Score: It's a composite metric that considers how a lead interacts with your content over time, scoring their readiness for a sales conversion.

3. Revenue Influence

Ultimately, the success of social selling is measured by its impact on the bottom line.

  • Pipeline Contribution: It's the total value of opportunities in your sales pipeline that originated from social selling efforts.
  • Deal Closure Rate: This tracks the percentage of leads generated through social selling close into deals, offering insight into the quality of leads.
  • Average Deal Size: Comparing the average deal size of leads generated through social selling to other channels can indicate the value of your leads.

By leveraging a platform like Highperformr, B2B companies can subtly yet significantly enhance their social selling strategies, turning social interactions into meaningful business results. Analyzing lead generation metrics, engagement analytics, and revenue influence allows businesses to fine-tune their approach, maximizing their social selling success.

Real-Life B2B Social Selling Examples

Real-life examples of effective B2B social selling strategies can showcase how businesses have utilized social platforms to build relationships with clients, generate leads, and drive revenue. Let's explore a few prominent examples.

1. IBM's Repurposing Content for LinkedIn

IBM has been known to leverage LinkedIn for its social selling initiatives. It creates and repurposes content specifically for this platform, focusing on demonstrating thought leadership. One of its approaches is to take complex technological solutions and break them down into digestible content that speaks to its target audience's pain points.

By engaging with IT professionals through articles, whitepapers, and case studies, IBM nurtures leads and encourages deeper conversations about its products and services.

2. Cisco and Twitter Chats

Cisco has effectively used Twitter to engage with its audience through Twitter Chats. Using hashtags like #CiscoChat facilitates discussions on suitable industry topics, providing insights and solutions.

This allows Cisco to interact in real time with potential customers, highlight its industry expertise, and build community engagement. These chats help generate interest and leads, moving participants through the sales funnel through continued interaction and content sharing.

3. HubSpot's Social Media Integration

HubSpot excels in integrating social selling into its overall sales and marketing strategy. It offers valuable content, including blog posts, eBooks, and webinars, and encourages its sales team to share it across social networks.

The sales professionals also connect directly with prospects on social platforms, answering questions and offering wisdom, thus building trust and establishing relationships that can translate into sales.

4. SAP's Customer-Centric Content on Social Media

SAP focuses on creating customer-centric content that resonates with its target business audience. Sharing success stories and customer testimonials on various social platforms demonstrates the real-world value of its solutions.

SAP encourages engagement by responding to comments and joining industry conversations, allowing it to connect directly with potential clients and position itself as a partner interested in solving real business problems.

5. Adobe's LinkedIn Thought Leadership

Adobe has leveraged LinkedIn for thought leadership by having key executives share personal insights and professional trends related to digital marketing and other Adobe-relevant fields. These leadership posts spark discussions, offer value, and establish Adobe's executive team as approachable industry leaders.

This strategy enhances Adobe's brand reputation and generates potential business by engaging directly with other industry professionals.

These brands showcase how B2B companies can engage in social selling, from using social media platforms to host discussions and offer customer support to sharing valuable content and thought leadership pieces. Successful B2B social selling is rooted in understanding the audience, offering genuine value, and engaging consistently to build trust and relationships.


In this rapidly evolving digital landscape, B2B sales dynamics have shifted towards relationship-building and value provision through social selling. This transformative approach is critical to amplifying your sales pipeline and steering your business toward unprecedented growth. 

By strategically navigating social platforms, optimizing profiles, and engaging with content that resonates with your target audience, the potential to drive meaningful conversations and conversions is immense. As you venture deeper into social selling, consider bolstering your efforts with Highperformr. This platform is designed to streamline your social selling initiatives, offering insights and analytics that sharpen your strategy and enhance engagement.

Are you ready to revolutionize your B2B social selling strategy and accelerate your sales pipeline? Sign up for Highperformr today and transform connections into conversions precisely and efficiently.

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